Each of us wants to have a place where he feels at home. We turn your thoughts, wishes and imagination into reality. The living room, bedroom, kitchen, storage spaces will be designed to reflect your character. We offer solutions adapted to your budget and needs.
We create storage spaces even where they do not exist
The bicycle doesn't have its space, you sneak past the baby stroller left at the entrance, you forgot to take your coat from the dressing room, you can't find the umbrella and it's pouring outside, what it would be nice if you had a bigger mirror in the hallway so you could see what you look like before you leave the house... sounds familiar, doesn't it? We have solutions suited to your needs and your living space!
We value, personalize and optimize any space – under the stairs or stairwell, hallways, niches, attic, workshop or warehouse.
Each of us wants to have a place where we feel at home. We turn your thoughts, wishes and imagination into reality. The living room, bedroom, kitchen, storage spaces will be designed to reflect your character. We offer solutions adapted to your budget and needs.
We create storage spaces even where they do not exist
The bicycle doesn't have its space, you sneak past the baby stroller left at the entrance, you forgot to take your coat from the dressing room, you can't find the umbrella and it's pouring outside, what it would be nice if you had a bigger mirror in the hallway so you could see what you look like before you leave the house... sounds familiar, doesn't it? We have solutions suited to your needs and your living space!
We value, personalize and optimize any space – under the stairs or stairwell, hallways, niches, attic, workshop or warehouse.
Each of us wants to have a place where he feels at home. We turn your thoughts, wishes and imagination into reality. The living room, bedroom, kitchen, storage spaces will be designed to reflect your character. We offer solutions adapted to your budget and needs.
We create storage spaces even where they do not exist
The bicycle doesn't have its space, you sneak past the baby stroller left at the entrance, you forgot to take your coat from the dressing room, you can't find the umbrella and it's pouring outside, what it would be nice if you had a bigger mirror in the hallway so you could see what you look like before you leave the house... sounds familiar, doesn't it? We have solutions suited to your needs and your living space!
We value, personalize and optimize any space – under the stairs or stairwell, hallways, niches, attic, workshop or warehouse.
Each of us wants to have a place where he feels at home. We turn your thoughts, wishes and imagination into reality. The living room, bedroom, kitchen, storage spaces will be designed to reflect your character. We offer solutions adapted to your budget and needs.
We create storage spaces even where they do not exist
The bicycle doesn't have its space, you sneak past the baby stroller left at the entrance, you forgot to take your coat from the dressing room, you can't find the umbrella and it's pouring outside, what it would be nice if you had a bigger mirror in the hallway so you could see what you look like before you leave the house... sounds familiar, doesn't it? We have solutions suited to your needs and your living space!
We value, personalize and optimize any space – under the stairs or stairwell, hallways, niches, attic, workshop or warehouse.
Each of us wants to have a place where he feels at home. We turn your thoughts, wishes and imagination into reality. The living room, bedroom, kitchen, storage spaces will be designed to reflect your character. We offer solutions adapted to your budget and needs.
We create storage spaces even where they do not exist
The bicycle doesn't have its space, you sneak past the baby stroller left at the entrance, you forgot to take your coat from the dressing room, you can't find the umbrella and it's pouring outside, what it would be nice if you had a bigger mirror in the hallway so you could see what you look like before you leave the house... sounds familiar, doesn't it? We have solutions suited to your needs and your living space!
We value, personalize and optimize any space – under the stairs or stairwell, hallways, niches, attic, workshop or warehouse.
Evolution Expo Design: Your ideal exhibition partner, helping you build your corporate image
Exhibition stands to order in Romania and abroad
Evolution Expo Design offers custom made to order exhibition stands as well as modular system stands and furniture hire. We provide your exhibition stand design, transportation, construction and dismantling, providing you with complete project management.
We offer the services and support to our clients from Romania and abroad, thus allowing the expansion of their competitiveness at the national and international level.
Evolution Expo Design: Your ideal exhibition partner, helping you build your corporate image
Exhibition stands to order in Romania and abroad
Evolution Expo Design offers custom made to order exhibition stands as well as modular system stands and furniture hire. We provide your exhibition stand design, transportation, construction and dismantling, providing you with complete project management.
We offer the services and support to our clients from Romania and abroad, thus allowing the expansion of their competitiveness at the national and international level.
Proiectare și construcție spații de lucru
La Evolution Expo Design suntem capabili să creăm un spațiu de lucru remarcabil, potrivit cerințelor de proiectare și bugetului companiei dumneavoastră. Credem că spațiile proiectate inteligent îmbunătățesc semnificativ fiecare aspect al unei companii. Un astfel de spațiu de lucru îmbunătățește identitatea mărcii, atrage și reține talentul, îmbunătățește productivitatea și moralul personalului, ceea ce duce în cele din urmă la o afacere mai profitabilă. De aceea suntem atât de dedicați înțelegerii cerințelor dumneavoastră specifice pentru a vă oferi experiența și abilitățile noastre și pentru a vă aduce viziunea la viață.
Renovarea magazinelor și showroom-urilor
Un design bun într-un showroom poate promova imaginea unui produs și poate consolida identitatea corporativă. Reputația noastră de a crea magazine și showroom-uri excepționale se bazează pe pasiunea noastră de a crea spații plăcute în care servirea clienților dumneavoastră este un proces plăcut. O renovare cu succes a unui spațiu comercial crește performanța unei afaceri și optimizează vânzările. Ne place să depășim limitele creării de design durabil și remarcabil pentru spații comerciale, provoacă-ne!